Saturday 16 February 2013

Search For Best Mom Ever Ends As Sweetest Adopted 'Baby ...

baby announcement 590x409 Search For Best Mom Ever Ends As Sweetest Adopted Baby Announcement Of All Time Surfaces

New parents of the world, put down your scrap-booking hole-punches, unplug the Cricut stencil cutter, and slowly back away from your enviable collection of glitter. Because while you may want to present your new baby to the world in the most savvy and artistic of ways, we are sorry to inform you that you have been beat.

Yes, the chance to announce your offspring?s arrival in any meaningful way has expired, friends. It?s over. Done. Take your handmade burnished edge envelopes and go home. Make your peace with it, because the sweetest, most lovely baby pictures in all of the land have finally surfaced.

Kelli Higgins and her husband were already parents to five biological children with a sixth on the way when they decided to adopt two children. Because that?s what pregnant women need ? more kids, especially kids who may require extra special love and attention and come with foster home histories. This is Gold Star #1 for the Higgins family; when I was pregnant with my second baby, I gave the hamsters and fish away and considered having my spouse live here only part-time in order to cut down on my work load.

After the two new children were adopted y the Higgins, Kelli ? a professional photographer ? held a family conversation about possibilities for the new baby?s arrival announcements. Then one of the sibling pair the Higgins had adopted mentioned that he was sad that he had no baby photos of his own.

You have to see where this is going, people.

It leads right here, to Gold Star #2:

Latrell Higgins Baby announcement Search For Best Mom Ever Ends As Sweetest Adopted Baby Announcement Of All Time Surfaces


I. Mean. Have. You. Ever?

Kelli posted the announcement photos on her Facebook page with a note about the family?s new 112 lb arrival. The boy pictured, Latrell Higgins, has himself said he had a ?hilarious? time at the shoot, and told interviewers that he is not embarrassed by the attention and thinks it?s ?funny.? Soon after the photos were posted they went viral because of course they did since people are mostly good and not assholes at all, and you need to get out of your basement more often if you don?t like this story.

The photos struck a chord because they are indicative of the strong ties of family, regardless of how families are formed. They encompass an ideology of inclusion and love and acceptance of others no matter how they got here, no matter who they are, no matter where they came from, no matter no matter no matter.

Just for the sake of perspective ? this is my second baby?s arrival card:

Stork Search For Best Mom Ever Ends As Sweetest Adopted Baby Announcement Of All Time Surfaces

During her interview with Kelli added this little nugget, thereby using up my whole goddamn bottle of Gold Stars and forcing me to make a trip back to Michaels, the craft store/spirit-suck of a place, so I actually take back one gold star:

?These children, once they get past a certain age, they don?t find homes and they age out of foster care.

They have to figure out the world on the own and there?s no one to go back to as an adult. Where do you go for Christmas? It?s just horrible, it?s heartbreaking.?

She goes on to advocate for the adoption of older children, who may otherwise face lonely futures.


Read More: Why Steve Martin, A New father at 67, Will Be The Greatest Dad Of ALL TIME.?

source, source, source, source



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